Natural Diamonds for Single Point Dressing Tools
Lieber & Solow utilize the direct sourcing of natural diamonds to be well-positioned for order for single point dressing tools. We also supply natural diamonds for shape and form dressers and rotary dressers. And stock all sizes of die stones. Get select stones for cutting tool materials, drilling materials, as well as a wide range of premium mesh. Every item that we sell is stocked and ready to go upon ordering. So if you require natural diamonds for single point dressing tools, then we are the supplier for you!
Two natural diamond shapes that are perfect for use as single point dressing tools are octahedron and dodecahredron formations. These formations give the toolmaker the advantage of naturally formed points for all single point dressing applications. Many toolmakers require a specific size, quality and price points to meet their budgetary constraints. At Lieber and Solow, we will work with you to ensure your price points are met.
For more information about our natural diamonds for single point dressing tools, then please reach out to us today. The number for our office is 212-354-4060. When you call, we can go over the various price points available for these natural diamonds. And learn more about diamond tool manufacturing and how Lieber & Solow can help.
What Are Single Point Dressers?
Single point diamond dressers are made from carefully selected diamonds. Due to their naturally formed tips, these diamonds possess a higher abrasive quality. Which in turn allows for a greater resisting force than polished diamonds. And depending on the type of natural diamond in use, these dressers can get 1 to 5 uses. With the more uses comes the higher prices, as well as the need to remount the diamonds. Here are some tips on using single point diamond dressers.
Types of Single Point Natural Dressers
Single point natural diamond dressers are the most widely used dressing tools for truing grinding wheels. In many cases, these tools are the only ones that will produce the required results. When properly chosen and correctly used, single point natural dressers are also the most economical. And many single point dressers can be manufactured to meet your specifications. So those rough natural diamonds can be cut for more effective use.
When it comes to natural diamonds for use as single point natural dressers, there are a few different types of diamonds:
- General Purpose
- Select
- Premium
Choosing the correct type of diamond effects the whole process, so be sure to manage this aspect professionally and accurately. Our staff can help you when it comes to this matter. The more points a diamond has, the more expensive it will be since you can reset it and reuse the diamond.
General Purpose
General purpose stones are often referred to as “throw aways.” Although in some cases it may be reset. A general purpose diamond is typically a lesser quality stone than the Select or Premium diamonds. So they have less dressing time expectancy.
A Select diamond is the middle of the three types of diamonds. More expensive than General Purpose, but less expensive than Premium. This is due to the fact that they have fewer cutting edges. These Select stones will approximate the quality of a Premium stone, but will have fewer points which means they cannot be reset as many times.
Premium diamonds are specially selected diamonds due to their shape and structure. A Premium diamond has many points, which is very desirable because it can then be reset several times for multiple uses. Since you can use it multiple times, it is well worth the price.
Impact of Improper Dressing
There are negatives that arise when you improperly dress a diamond and problematic grinding performances are a result. Choosing the correct diamond quality classification greatly improves the expected quality of finished products. On top of that, the number of settable points will contribute a lot to the acceptable dressing standards.
Remounting of Diamonds
The remounting of diamonds will ensure that the tools are used to their fullest potential. Once the diamond tip reaches a certain point, it needs to rotate to ensure a new cutting edge comes into operation. Once the diamond is all out of edges, then a new diamond must be remounted. Any delay in remounting can lead to a premature destruction of the diamond. And the unused tips in the mount will no longer be of use. So it is important to pay attention to the workspace.